CLASS B RESTAURANT - (On-Sale Only) beer, beer and wine or beer, wine and liquor shall authorize the holder thereof to keep for selling all alcoholic beverages at retail, at the place therein described, for consumption on the premises only. Alcoholic beverages may not be removed off the licensed premises including the parking lot. No person under the age of 21 shall be seated at the bar at any time. Licensee shall not sell, serve nor furnish any alcoholic beverages, other than beer or wine, liquor for consumption on the premises. Beer, wine and liquor bottles shall be destroyed when original contents are emptied and NOT refilled. (Article 2B, Section A separate license, called a Class “B” (on sale only) “restaurant license” may be issued countywide by the Board of License Commissioners and the Class “B” (on sale only) “restaurant license” are excluded from being factored in calculating Washington County’s “population ratio quota” for alcoholic beverage licenses. The holder of a Class “B” (on sale only) “restaurant license” may only sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises only. The must be located in a permanent building with ample space and accommodations commonly known as a restaurant where hot and cold meals are habitually prepared, sold and served to the public during the hours it is regularly open for business. Having a dining area or areas with sufficient tables, chairs or booths to comfortably seat and accommodate 50 patrons, this does not include the bar area. It shall be equipped with sufficient kitchen and dining facilities for preparing and serving regular meals to the general public. A menu shall be maintained, advertising the serving of a variety of food and food must be available at all times when alcohol is being served and or consumed. On an annual basis, 51% percent of gross sales of food and of non-alcoholic beverages shall exceed annual 49% percent gross sales of alcoholic beverages.
The annual fee
Beer - $350.00
Beer and Wine - $400.00
Beer, Wine and Liquor - $750.00
Special Sunday - $250.00
Effective July 1, 2021