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CLASS C – Club (On-Sale Only) beer, wine and liquor license shall authorize the holder thereof to keep for sale and sell all alcoholic beverages at retail to bona fide members and their guests, at the place therein described, for consumption on the premises and adjoining grounds of the club only.  Consumption of all such beverages must be confined to licensed club premises Licensee shall not sell, serve, nor furnish any alcoholic beverages, other than beer or wine, liquor shall only be sold on a per drink basis for consumption on the premises.  Wine and liquor bottles shall be destroyed when original contents are emptied.  (Article 2B, Section Club licenses are strictly limited to the on-premises service of bona fide members and their guests.  The club must verify the membership of each entrant.  All card-carrying and dues paying members may sign in personal guests, in accordance with specifications of the individual club.  As the host, the member and his guests shall be signed in the guest book.    For each visit, a guest may be in or on the premises only as long as he is accompanied by the sponsoring Member.  Functions sponsored by a member shall be reported at least 10 days in advance to the Board of License Commissioners on a Guest Sponsorship Form.  All public advertising shall specify “Members and Their Guests”.  No prices shall be printed in public advertising.  When advertising a special event, the Board has granted an exception to the ban on publication of food prices for special events where the cost of the meal also includes other items such as entertainment favors or prizes as part of the package price.  No off-premises catering of food shall be solicited nor provided.  Carry-out food shall be available to members only.  Non-members may not enter the premises to pick up prepared food. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT OR OFF THE LICENSED PREMISE INCLUDING THE PARKING LOT.   Holders of club licenses shall bill or receive payment for food and beverages from club members only.  At private parties or functions under single member sponsorship where persons attend who are not members of the club, payment for food and beverages consumed by guests shall be made by the member who sponsored that particular function.  A function sponsoring more than 10 guests shall be reported at least ten (10) days in advance to the Board of License Commissioners on Guest Sponsorship Form.  Records shall be kept for one (1) year from the date of any charge or charges for all such functions and shall be open to inspection by the Board of License Commissioners upon request. The club may furnish alcoholic beverages inside the building and/or on the adjoining club grounds to bona fide members and their guests.  The premises for which a club license is issued may not be leased for any function, or otherwise made available for use by any persons, group of persons, or organizations who are non-members, when the use or function is not controlled, operated or sponsored by club members.  Non-member persons or groups may not obtain beverages from the club nor bring any outside alcoholic beverages onto the adjoining club grounds, as this is now considered part of the licensed premises.  Holders of club licenses may not give, sell, or otherwise conduct games of chance, wherein the prize or object thereof is a container of alcoholic beverages.  It is your responsibility to assure that policies and regulations regarding the license be forwarded and understood by each new slate of officer/licensees.  All relevant information must be retained in printed form for continuing reference. The club officers will assure that policies and regulations regarding the license are forwarded and understood by each new slate of officer/licensees.   No club shall hold any promotional event where an outside company contracts for entertainment with the intention of splitting proceeds from the event with the club.  All proceeds shall be retained only by the club.  Proceeds may be distributed to charitable organizations at the discretion of the club.  Any proposed event which contracts with an outside entertainment corporation or promoter, even those in which the event may be of a charitable nature, must be approved by the Board before plans are made or contracts signed.  No event shall be advertised until Board approval has been obtained. No special event held by the club may be advertised as “Open to the Public”.  All advertising will specify “Members and Their Guests”. No person under the age of 21 shall be seated at the bar at any time.  Licensee shall not sell, serve nor furnish any alcoholic beverages, other than beer or wine, liquor shall only be sold on a per drink basis for consumption on the premises.  Wine and liquor bottles shall be destroyed when original contents are emptied and not refilled.  (Article 2B, Section   



The annual license fee shall be:

$500 for clubs with less than 600 members (including social members)

$1000 for clubs with 600 or more members (including social members)

Special Sunday license $250.00.


Updated 5/7/2014


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