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Any licensee that has an event and does not obtain a new application and uses their old application and makes the changes will be made to come in before the Board! 





If a non-profit, society, corporation, organization or association holding an event that is serving or selling alcoholic beverages at an alcoholic beverage licensed establishment such as a Class C - Club, Class B or a Class D - Tavern / Bar, Class B - Restaurant then you DO NOT need a one-day event license.



If a non-profit, society, corporation, organization or association holding an event that is serving or selling alcoholic beverages at a non-alcoholic beverage licensed establishment, a non-licensed area, even if its catered or wineries or breweries are supplying their wine or beer and there is a charge for admission, donation, ticket, advertisement or money exchanged then you DO need a one-day event license.



  1. Non-Profit Organization must provide a copy of their non-profit organization status.

  2. A copy of a Crowd Control Management certification (1 person per 250 guests must be certified on duty)

  3. One person affiliated with your Non-Profit must be alcohol awareness certified and a copy must be submitted with your application at each event and they must be on the premises always during the event. You can obtain this certification through our classes that the Liquor Board holds twice a month at $75.00 per person. (good for 4 years)



  1. A copy of your Federal ID number on a documented IRS letterhead, not associated with another organization or alcoholic beverage license.

  2. A copy of a Crowd Control Management certification (1 person per 250 guests must be certified on duty)  

  3. One person affiliated with your Society, Corporation, Organization or Association must be alcohol awareness certified and a copy must be submitted with your application at each event and they must be on the premises always during the event. You can obtain this certification by calling and scheduling a class at or office at 301-797-4591 or the Maryland State Licensed Beverage Assoc. at 1-800-921-1382.



You will need three (3) people to go on the license, that are affiliated with your non-profit, society, corporation, organization or association and one must be resident of Washington County. All must appear in person before the Board when application has been accepted by the Office Administration and a hearing date is scheduled.

1. All must be 21 years of age or over.

2. Copies of valid driver’s license.

3. All must not have any serious criminal convictions or felonies.

4. All must be United States Citizens.


Call 301-797-4591 or email to start the application process. 




  1. The license must be displayed on the premises at the time the alcohol is delivered and during any time of serving and/or consumption.

  2. No alcohol shall be dispensed into cups displaying the name or advertisement for any soft drink or non-alcoholic beverage. Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors and adults that would furnish alcohol to minors.

  3. Discourage the sale of alcoholic beverages to impaired adults and prohibit the sale of alcohol to intoxicated persons. The Board recommends light snacks such as pretzels, chips or popcorn to help combat the over consumption of alcohol.

  4. Educate servers to the rules and regulations, and there must be at least one alcohol awareness certified person on duty at all times during the event. Certification can be obtained by attending a class that is held twice a month for $75.00 at the Washington County Liquor Board. Certification is good for four (4) years.

  5. Ensure adequate staffing to oversee the event and prevent pass off to minors.

  6. All guests must present a valid I.D. of legal drinking age.

  7. Arm bands must be provided for those consuming alcoholic beverages when having anyone under the age of 21 attending the event. Arm bands are for servers to recognize that anyone wearing an arm band is 21 years of age and over.

  8. For all outside events there must be a designated area for the consumption of alcohol and there must be a 3 to 4-foot fencing surrounding that area with one way in and out. There must be someone at that entrance over the age of 21 that will be checking I. D’s and arm bands.

  9. Arrange alternate transportation for alcohol impaired drivers.

  10. Alcoholic beverages should no longer be available for consumption or sell thirty minutes prior to the end of your event.

  11. All beer, wine or liquor must be purchased through a licensed wholesaler and/or a licensed retail liquor store unless it’s being held at a Club, Country Club or Licensed establishment then its purchased from the Club, Country Club or Licensed establishment. A wholesaler or supplier may not donate alcoholic beverages to a licensed or participating retailer.

  12. Persons under the age of twenty-one (21) shall not be served or consume any alcoholic beverage.

  13. No alcoholic beverage shall be carried or taken off the licensed premises.

  14. Licensees must check IDs of ticket holders/guests upon arrival of event and an arm band should be given to anyone over the age of twenty-one (21) that will be consuming alcohol.

  15. All non-profits, society’s, corporations, organizations or associations must provide a signed and notarized Financial Statement no later than thirty (30) days after the event showing the amount of money collected from the event and how the money has or will be disbursed.

  16. This provision applies to one-day event license, any change in location of event or a change of one or more persons on an existing license, changes must be made prior to the event. 

  17. Weekday legal hours of serving and/or consumption are from 6:00 a.m. to the following day at 2:00 a.m.

  18. Sunday legal hours of serving and/or consumption are from 10:00 noon to 12:00 midnight.

  19. No other alcohol can be brought into the event by guests!

  20. IF YOU ARE RAFFLING OFF ALCOHOL (Basket of Cheer, Single Bottles, etc.) you will need to obtain a Basket of Cheer Permit for $10.00 per item. *



      Fee:  Beer, Wine and Liquor $100.00

      Effective July 1, 2018 and * Updated February 26, 2020

To request more information:

Contact the Office:

Mon-Fri 9 am - 4 pm



If you are applying for a One Day Event license please state this in your email.


If you are and existing One Day Event Licensee please state your Organization name and date of event along with location.  

You can also request more information with this form:

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