The Washington County Liquor Board
regulates and enforces the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Laws as they are contained in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Rules and Regulations governing the control and sales of alcoholic beverages in Washington County to promote and uphold the health, safety and general welfare of our community.
The Washington County Liquor Board:
Investigates and processes all alcoholic beverage license applications, police reports pertaining to alcohol beverage law violations and all public complaints
Approves or disapproves liquor license applications and imposes sanctions and fines for infractions of Annotated Code for Washington County and the Rules and Regulations for Washington County
Regulates the issuance of all alcoholic beverage licenses
Adopts, prepares and enforces laws pertaining to the sale and use of alcohol
Educates license holders and the community in the importance of understanding alcohol beverage laws with a strong focus on underage drinking
Washington County Liquor Board
1260 Maryland Ave., Ste. 104
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
(301) 797-4591
(301) 797-4599 (Fax)
Monday - Friday
9 am to 12:00 Noon
1 pm to 4:00 pm

4% Surcharge Added
No Cash Accepted